:::Tuesday, April 25, 2006:::
she says, "im as cold as a schmold."




:::Monday, April 24, 2006:::
i've been a lazy fuck but now i guess im lazy but not a fuck.
so i'm lazy
but not fuck.
okay so heres to update anyone who reads this. about my life.
christmaseve - nothing happened. went to town. met everyone. sprayed raza with lots of foam. lots.
drank till christmas.
christmas - i don't really remember what happened.
cny eve - beer beer and more beer!! then went to meet the ah bengs and then...more beer!! and some racing around geylang.
cny - BEER AND MONEY. LOTS. there can never be a better combination. then at night. more beer and racing around. thanks to din and his rxz.
cny2ndday - went to collect more money. and. beer. but not as much. (cos daddy was around and he hates it when i drink.) then went to cine to catch a movie with MELODY WANG SHIYUN. FUN WITH DICK AND JANE!! WHEEE.
andthefollowingfriday - i forgot what i did in the afternoon, but at night, i met MELODY WANG SHIYUN. AGAIN! MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA!! WHEE.
andsaturday -MET MELODY WANG SHIYUN! AGAIN! FEARLESS!! WHEE. met the ah bengs, had 2 singhas.
felt sick.
and the rest...

christmas - the few days where i get the things i dont want. and dont need.

cny - chinese new year
the few days where i actually have money. and drink alot.

beer - this thing which gets me high. and happy.

money - this thing which gets me happy. and enables me to buy beer. and anything else i want. as long as i have enough of it.

funwithdickandjane - a movie. and its funny.
memoirsofageisha - a movie. not really funny.
fearless - another movie. kinda funny. and lots of people with bad hair. (according to melody.)

MELODY WANG SHIYUN - this girl. who kinda got into my head. and my pants, and my underpants! and she's hella funny and crazy and she makes me wanna wear make up. and she's picking my backne now while i'm typing all this nonsense. she's gorgeous. and she's alluring. and she's a coffee addict. she's got the face of the love of my life. and the laugh of the first day of the rest of my life. she's conceited. she's a hotdog on a stick. wheeeee. she has mario and puffdaddy on her ipod. that makes her cool with a capital K. and she has the nicest smelling armpits in all the land! i'm serious. when you see us, do approach us and with a small donation (not 10cents) you can smell her armpits. and then. you can go tell all your friends. and she'll teach you how to dance, for a minimum of 5 dollars. yea. thats melody.
i <3 her.
